by Kristen Rademacher | May 9, 2020 | Musings
I just learned that Anna Jarvis, the founder of Mother’s Day in the U.S., had spent the last years of her life protesting its turn to commercialism. The inspiration behind her push for Mother’s Day had been her own mom—a social activist during the...
by Kristen Rademacher | Apr 28, 2020 | Musings
Disclaimer: As far as the COVID pandemic goes, I am lucky. I’ve remained healthy, as have my loved ones. I’m able to work remotely from home, and I anticipate my job will be safe for a good while. As an introvert who shares a house with two cats, I...
by Kristen Rademacher | Mar 3, 2020 | Essays, Musings
A birthing room for a stillborn baby is quiet. Eerily so. No howls heard from the baby freshly delivered from the deep, dark womb. No exclamations of joy, relief, and of a job well done. You lie in the hush and watch nurses care for your silent infant. You soon hear...
by Kristen Rademacher | Jan 3, 2020 | Musings
I need to be honest, Writing Muse. When we’re on the same wavelength, I love you to pieces. I open my laptop, and like magic, you know my exact needs and can read my mind. How glorious when we’re united! I’m focused, my thoughts are clear, and my...
by Kristen Rademacher | Jan 3, 2020 | Musings
Happy 2020! Here’s to a new year and a new decade! I always love this annual time to reflect, declare resolutions and set goals for the months ahead. Carly was born in January, so for me, this is also the time of year when I deliberately conjure up a picture of our...