James Miller, licensed psychotherapist, is the executive producer and host of the nationally syndicated radio show Lifeology. I was delighted to speak with James about my book, my experience with grief, and what I discovered about myself on the other side of loss. Because of James’ background as a psychotherapist, I particularly enjoyed the teachable moments he provided for his listeners. For example, my memoir describes the range of emotions I’d felt grappling with a strained relationship while awaiting motherhood. James pointed out that this was an example of dialectical emotions, or the ability to feel positive and negative emotions simultaneously. Very true for me at the time.
Have a listen to the interview here!
And be sure to check out all of James’ work at his website here, and on social media (his handle is @JamesMillerLifeology, though for Twitter he is @JamesMLIfeology). He interviews an array of truly interesting people, and does much more!
Thank you, James Miller!